Chương Trình Thánh Nhạc Giáng Sinh – Wheaton College (2023)
Chủ Đề: Kinh Ngạc Tại Chuồng Chiên
Nguyên văn: Let the Stable Still Astonish
Video credit: Wheaton College
Welcome – Philip Ryken 0:00
Festival Fanfare for Christmas – John Wasson 1:09 Symphonic Band
Invocation 5:04 Michael Wilder
O come, O come, Emmanuel – arr. John William Trotter 8:11 Combined Choirs, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra
Gloria – Randol Alan Bass 11:45 Combined Choirs, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra
The Joy of a Carpenter – Trey Tillotson 14:33 Trey Tillotson, clarinet
Gaudete! – arr. Michael Engelhardt 16:53 Women’s Chorale Emma Cho, Jack Durbin, Leah Bouley, Zak Reynolds, percussionists
Salvation Is Created – Pavel Tschesnokoff, arr. Emma Cooksey 19:30 Ian McCann, Emma Cooksey, trumpets Isabel Vetter, horn; Michael Rocha, trombone Landon Schomer, tuba
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy – arr. Mack Wilberg 22:15 Men’s Glee Club Re-voiced for TTBB, Jerry Blackstone Arr. for percussion, Kathleen Kastner Emma Cho, Zak Reynolds, Jack Durbin, Leah Bouley, Andrew Wurnow, Kathleen Kastner, percussionists Josiah Steffan, double bass
Prélude (Dans le style de Séb. Bach), from “Oratorio de Noël”, Op. 12 – Camille Saint-Saëns 25:27 Symphony Orchestra
For Unto Us – Richard Smith 29:23 Gospel Choir Donté Ford, piano
Variations Pastorales sur un vieux Noël – Marcel Samuel-Rousseau 31:51 Clara Malek, harp
And the glory of the Lord, from “Messiah” – George Frideric Handel 34:55 Concert Choir Symphony Orchestra
Meditation on a Dream – Kathleen Kastner 37:24 Emma Cho, marimba
This Night – David Biedenbender 40:55 Symphonic Band
My Lord Has Come – Will Todd 46:03 Concert Choir
Messiah – Francesca Battistelli 49:43 Skylar Bartman, soprano Franklin McMahan, piano
Reading – Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-14 53:17 Donté Ford, reader Emma Cho, Andrew Lamb, percussionists
Silent Night, Holy Night – Franz Gruber 55:15 Combined Choirs Sydney Lawrence, organ
Reading – Let the Stable Still Astonish – Leslie Leyland Fields 58:43 Kaya Walcott, reader
Let the Stable Still Astonish – Dan Forrest 59:54 Combined Choirs Jay Gregg, cello Zakary Reynolds, piano Zoe’s Feet Dance Ministry
Hallelujah Chorus, from “Messiah” – George Frideric Handel 1:06:42 Combined Choirs, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra
Closing Remarks – Michael Wilder 1:13:18
Jerry Blackstone, artistic director
Concert Choir – John William Trotter, director
Gospel Choir – Tanya Egler, director
Men’s Glee Club – Jerry Blackstone, director
Percussion Ensemble – Kathleen Kastner, director
Symphonic Band – Brady McNeil, director
Symphony Orchestra – Benjamin Klemme, director
Women’s Chorale – Jerry Blackstone, director
Sydney Lawrence, organist
Thư Viện Tin Lành (2023)